Thanks for my friend, John, a biologist, now this delightful-looking fruit I discovered in the open market is known to me as a Cape gooseberry, AKA Chinese Lantern and winter cherry. The fruit is covered in papery husk with a flavor allegedly blending tomatto and pineapple. Nice in salad, dessert and even dipping in chocolate! One bowl 50p! Now ready to run to the market with me for more of it?
Monday, October 23, 2006
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
T生病了 還發燒 看到他的病容我也擔憂起來
前幾天作惡夢 他和爸爸都有血光之災 這是比找不到工作 睡不飽還讓我牽掛的事 而我生平最討厭牽掛 心有所繫哪裡還飛得起來呢?
雖然近日對小朋友的可愛越來越沒有免疫能力 母性赫爾蒙不斷催促我要完成延續人類生命的重責大任 想到這等於是又給自己找一個十字架揹....唉 所有媽媽 (以及多數的爸爸)都會告訴你這犧牲是值得的...當然呀 已經被parentship的赫爾蒙控制了嘛....
他比我清醒 而我沒把握還能抗衡這赫爾蒙多久...