

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Cat's Eye

A successful female painter at her fifties goes back to Toronto
for her retrospective show. This is where she grows up and is laden of her childhood momories, the days when she is having a bullied-and-bullying back relationship with Cordelia. These memories unexpectedly disturbs her again. She recalls how shaky she was, and can still be, even now.

Atwood's intelligence is in the ability of precisely presenting our mixed feelings toward childhood. With the mind of the middle aged potagonist, memories about childhood torturing are atanomised, and given cause and effect. In examining her past, wounds are opened once again. Hence , they are finally, really getting healed.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Public Catalogue Foundation

This is a registered charity, which is launching a fascinating project. As claimed, Britain has the biggest public-owned oil painting collections in the world but four in five of the paintings are not on view with lack of funding and exhibition spaces. To make the publicly owned art more publicly accessible, the Foundation aims to create a complete series of catalogues of the nation’s collection of oil, tempera and acrylic paintings. Catalogues have been published, which provide high-quality illustrations and brief introductions to each painting. The Foundation hopes in the future the audience will also get access to the resource via a free Internet website. The sale of the catalogues contributes to the funding for the conservation, restoration and physical exhibition of works that are rarely on display as well as gallery education related to the catalogues.

What an ambition. What a beneficial project it will be to both the general pblic and scholars. I wish we Taiwan also will have such an organization in the near future!

Thursday, November 09, 2006


Monday, November 06, 2006

Quite a short story by Atwood.

This is also a story told in reflection in a pretty wild tone, especially in the second half when the protagonist was transforming back to her original way of being 'a daughter of the earth'...

Some critic says it is an eco-feminist novel. i guess Atwood would laugh in scorn again to the attempt of labeling her.

A pair of dreams from a couple
We greeted today by telling each other the dreams we had just had.

Mine is about a historical ruin in the jungle. I felt thrilled that I seemed to be the first one who discovered the ruin and its hidden treasures. So thrilled that I cannot stop my desire to be possessive. I took a few pieces of the ancient clay/caramic dishware and set a fire to the ruin so that no one else would be able to get hold it. The smoke attracted the police from the governement and i was interrogated like a criminal(Alas, I am!). It felt bad and the last thing I remember about the dream is that how much I regret the crime I have commited.

His is about visiting a family who are mourning for some one dead. We were taken inside the house and given something to eat. They took the order just like in a restaurant...

Tomorrow we are going to have a house warming party, in spite that we are actually moving out in three months. There will be about nice guests. I hope everyone of them will be pleased, entertained and satisfied.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

早上被枕邊人以愉快的方式喚醒 賴床數十分鐘 孵出兩個快做快忘的夢 下樓洗澡 看到難得的朗朗藍天 昨天洗好的衣服在花園高興地迎風飛舞

決定今天幹點正經事 三片麵包加起士打發早點 簡單清掃一下廁所 浴室 廚房 餐廳 和職業顧問約好時間 梳洗著裝 帶上相機 出門去學校 就在墓園前巧遇小彬 拍他和液態氮 電池就掛了 難得有機會可以拍的墓園又要等下次了

去ISA拿這學期的旅行表 想參加下週的Bath和Sronehenge
去五樓咖啡室 他和他的同事隨後加入 享受報紙和談話

四點的約會祇是給我一些發展可能性的提醒而已 我還是得靠自己下定決心 不知道什麼時候生命會突然結束 果然還是應該勇敢一點 作自己喜歡的事吧 一向怯 於投資冒險 但現在我的處境不是全由自己做主 只能闖闖看了 我還算幸運呢 有他擔當著 做必要的投資 冒值得的險不要有遺憾就是了

去超市買菜 回家照預定計畫試作東坡肉 草莓的食譜挺靠得住 慢燉兩個多小時後品嘗 給自己打九十五分 以為一個人的夜晚會孤單得緊 雖然暖氣不知道什麼 時候又會掛掉...決定給自己佈置一個溫暖的角落 打開立燈一盞 倒好小酒一盃 拉出絨被一床 Atwood懸疑小說一本 貝多芬音樂一張 一切就定位的 我 不禁滿足地嘆了一口氣 此刻的我是很知足的呀...